Despite bad dentition, a disreputable past, a history of poor choices, a true rebirth, and significant emotional pain since childhood, Jack Sparrow – sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow…
I mean to tell you, I am just slap worn out. As many of you know, in March, I planted that I would grow strength…
Update May 26, 2014: Unfortunately, the author I chose to follow me in the blog hop was unable to complete her entry due to…
For those of you who are not Facebook folks – and believe me, Facebook is like my own daily Disneyland and I do love me…
Here we are on the brink of Beltane, arguably the most exciting and invigorating time of the year, and let me tell you, my…
Now, it is difficult for me to imagine my life not as a writer. I know I published my first book on Amazon on July…
Someone recently asked me what pieces of advice I would give to a person who is considering becoming a writer. My first thought was that…
So when last we left our intrepid heroine, she had just learned that her family was about to re-grow by two and that her son…
I can finally talk about the life changes that I referenced to my Facebook readers. I apologize to those dear folks for my necessary vagueness…
I love my body, my body loves me, I am a Goddess, blah, blah, blah. I usually feel quite good about myself and as…
I am either the best or the worst High Priestess in the history of, well, ever. Whichever you tell me, I will likely argue anyway. One…
Dorothy: Well, now which way do we go? Scarecrow: Pardon me. That was is a very nice way. Dorothy: Who said that?……Don’t be silly, Toto.…
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Early yesterday evening, I was in my own version of Mecca (WalMart) and from around three aisles over, I could hear a kid just going…
Given the subject matter of this blog post, it would be more appropriate to show a snake shedding its skin, but snakes give me the…
My team of girls and I used to go on graveyard crawls every year, exploring cemeteries around our area. This was one of our…
Fake it ’til you can make it, right? There was a time when I wore a tiara most places I went, including delivering the mail…
I have had this blog conversation before, but Eric (my delightful and accomplished agent) has gently nudged me to be more attentive to the…