This Site’s Mission

The goal of this site is to assist every author, even the most reticent, bring their manuscript to the world. Too many people shuffle off this mortal coil with their story untold or gathering dust in a drawer somewhere. If this site brings someone closer to their dream of being a published writer, then it has served its purpose well.
Katrina Rasbold is a best-selling author of more than twenty-five books on, both in e-book and print format. She is a professional editor and copywriter and wrote the book “Get Your Book Published,” which is available for free download on this website.
On this blog, Katrina provides tips and guidance on the processes of writing, editing, self-publishing, and marketing the literary babies you produce.
This site uses information from Katrina’s book Get Your Book Published, as well as new material. You may download the book in its entirety in PDF form from the link in the right sidebar of this website. It is also available for .99 on