January 2, 2008

I have spent literally the entire waking day on the computer.
I can't remember the last time I did that and it wasn't while listening to
some doctor I could barely understand (and sometimes couldn't) talking in
my ear.
Eric worked hard to give me a day of doing nothing I didn't want to
do. I got up at 10am. I would have gotten up an hour earlier
except that Eric had been very clear that he wanted to have the kitchen
cleaned up before I got up and he didn't get out of bed until 9am.
My skin tends to hurt if I stay in bed later than 8:30 or so.
But I wanted to give him a chance to clean my house for me and all.
So I finally got up around 9:50am or so because I just couldn't lay
there any more. The boys had their first quiet day since school let
out for Winter Break. Their usual teacher, Mrs. Haboush, is a very
valerian, mellow person who they adore. She's firm, but sweet at the
same time. Her little boy, who is 4, was diagnosed with a rare form
of leukemia and has to have chemo for the next year, so she's not
teaching. The substitute is a very nice man, but he is an ACTOR
(caps required) and is horribly full of energy. As I said, his
intentions are good, but that boy is wound up tighter than a spinster's
asshole. He is always, always, always in motion and gets those kids
17 different kinds of wound up before he sends them out the door every
day. It's driving us all nuts. When I say he's an ACTOR, I
mean it in the literal sense of he is heavily, passionately involved in
the acting troupe down in Placerville and so all the world's a stage and
he is never not on it. He makes me tired just to watch him and after
our first parent teacher conference, I knew he and I were going to have to
hold down opposite ends of the world for this to work.
So as of today, I believe I have finally gotten my kids purged of
Christmas Candy Syndrome and detoxified from being Inside the Actor's
Studio every day and back to being my quiet little independent, cool kids
That all being done, Eric went to town on errands and I worked on my
poor, neglected websites. I got the updating done on EOS, all, of
course, except for writing my own soap column. I got the reviews
page fixed on The Diva Digest (look in the menu to the right and way, way,
way down for these links), which took up the bulk of my day and was a king
sized pain in my ass.
We have a major storm front, 3 of them, actually, headed our way and
it is expected that we will be getting up to 6+ feet of snow dumped on us.
That's not entirely unusual, although as freaked out as the weathermen are
getting, you'd think it was.
It's unusual before March or so, but it does happen.
Eric was on the ball and built a nice, new back porch for me, all
done in an afternoon the last week of December. It's about 3-4 times
as big as it was before. Come Spring, he is going to extend it
around and down the side of the house, screen it in and set up all of my
exercise equipment out there. Whoo hooo!
Speaking of such things, December is the time of the spark of light
returning to the sky via the lengthening of the days, albethey
imperceptible. On my spiritual path, we use that time to cultivate
the spark of light in our own minds of what we should be planting in our
lives in the coming year.
Usually, because we use the winter for quiet introspection, deep
thinking and intense reflection, the spark tends to just pop right in
Mine did and all I can say is wow. It's going to be a very...
I have to think of a word big enough...
I am going to:
1) Learn to belly dance. I had a pre-emptive strike on
this last year, but it sort of faded away. Like the brass ring on
the merry-go-round, these things come around again when you are supposed
to notice them and my brass ring was that Eric bought me a bodacious, awesome,
beautiful, perfectly gaudy jingle-butt scarf for Christmas, so now I HAVE
to learn to belly dance.
2) Learn to play the organ/piano. Like skating and
swimming, music is something that has always evaded me and led those who
tried to teach it to me screaming into the wilderness, raking their hair
from their heads in bloodyclumps and crying, "My eyes, my ears, my
sensibilities!!" and never to be seen or heard from again. I have
had a nice Cohn organ for about a year now and it pretty much is a toy for
the kids and a place for me to put my photos. My Grizzly Flats
Adopted Daddy is a professional music teacher and the resident troubadour
for the town. At a party on the 29th or so, I confided to my Adopted
Mommy and 3-4 of my nearest and dearest Queens that it had come into my
mind to ask Papa Mike how much he charges for music lessons and learn to
play the organ on the sly when Eric and the kids are not around, then
around about June, just busting out some songs on them and watching their
jaws fall.
Everyone thought it was a super magnificent idea and so my plan was
well hatched. I did, however, tell Lizzie that I couldn't do it
until Eric was on a job and getting paid.
So then, we had a fun, fun, fun, funnest New Year's Eve party and
Mikey comes in where Eric and I are hanging out, throws out this key chart
onto the coffee table and says, "So I hear you want to learn to play that
organ without anyone finding out." Talk about "LOL." So my
secret was out and he showed me his "method" and because it is a
mathematic formula (my right brain is huge and intrusive, but music
playing just ain't in here for me), I got it right away. He showed
me the books I needed to use it (EZ Play) and asked me what kind of music
I wanted to start on. I am most familiar with old country, so I told
him that, but then we checked out the bench to the organ and guess what?
It was stuffed with EZ Play books that were primarily old country. I
had never even looked in there before.
Today, he came over with stickers and carefully marked all of my
keys, so I'm on my way. I can hardly wait for the kids to get the
fuck out of my house so I can start practicing!
Did I say that? Nah, I've actually enjoyed the Winter break
and not having to get up at 5:30 which is just completely unnatural.
If the weather keeps them out a bit longer, I'm OK with it, I just don't
want to practice around them.
Anyway, that's #2.
3) Write a book. The spiritual path that Eric and I have
developed over the years is so effective and so sacred to us that we have
decided to "get it out there." The book has been talked about over
the years, but it wasn't time until now. We have come up with some
preliminary ideas and are really excited about bringing it into being.
It is so basic that you can layer any other belief system onto it without
conflict or use it on its own. It ties in soundly with the ideas
presented in "The Secret," "What the Bleep Do We Know," "The Celestine
Prophecy," and other such thought processes, but it provides something
they do not, which is a progressive structure of personal development and
evolution in the application of those basic ideas of the Laws of
Attraction. Our method takes you through each year of your life and
teaches you how to move ever forward, building on what you created the
year before and following the natural flow of energy that is indigenous to
humans and to nature.
4) Lose 100 pounds. Not going to talk a whole lot about
that. I'm just going to do it. I can do it, I am doing it, it
is done. I did create another weight loss journal on one of the
sites I run and I will journal about it there. Those who are meant
to find it will find it. By Jan 1, 2009, I will be 100 pounds
lighter than I am now. That is a tiny bit less than 2 pounds a week, so
not unhealthy.
I have had such amazing luck with the planting process over the past
10 years that I have no doubt of the success of these things. I
planted healthy weight loss last year and did not specify a goal or an
amount, so what happened instead of the weight going away is that I was
given all of the tools, information and insight that I need to do it.
Now I'm stating my actual goal and it's going to happen.
I am still a busy little typing bee. The transcription job got
so bad (I was on quite a run of doctors who could. not. speak. and it was
driving me NUTS to the point that I was begging, BEGGING the Universe to
tell me what foul energy I was bleeding out into the world to draw these
dysphagic slurmonkeys to me) that I called up the woman who originally
TRAINED me to do medical transcription (she never STOPPED being a
transcriptionist and is now in New Port Richey, Florida) and told her it
was making me want to kill myself.
She is such a mama.
This is how the conversation went.
Me: Jill?
JM: Yes?
Me: Jill, this is Katrina.
JM: Oh, hi honey.
Me: Jill, I can't do this. It's making me want to kill
myself. I'm so far outside of my element." boo hoo boo hoo
JM: No, really, it's OK. You're going to do just fine.
Me: No, I'm NOT! I'm AWFUL at this. I can't do it!
JM: Now, now, yes you can.
Me: No, really, I can't.
I about fell off my chair and my hair blew back from the heat wave
of her answer.
Me: Um, OK.
Then she started schooling me on how to appropriately use my
expansions and assured me that yes, we did things totally differently back
in the day when she trained me and that it takes months to get back up to
par and all the other reassuring things.
I spent a good hour or so really pimping out my expansion packet and
that picked up my speed a little. It's still a challenge sometimes,
but I'm getting better. I worked on Christmas and then did about 3
hours last night to take advantage of holiday and night differentials.
Eric FINALLY begins his project at Beale AFB next week, so there is
a light at the end of the tunnel. After many, many phone calls, he
was able to get us into a hardship program regarding our mortgage (we got
hit with a devil of a variable interest rate) and it is now quite
manageable. Christmas is in the rear view and now we settle down
into the waiting game until he begins getting paid for the jobs he will
do. He is aggressively looking for projects his business can do and
has bid on a whole pile of them. We know quitting the mail for him
to focus on his business was the right thing to do. He was never
going to expand beyond part time work otherwise. We also knew there
was the potential for it to be quite challenging, but sometimes, you have
to be willing to sacrifice in order to gain. We were very lucky that
a number of other really lovely things happened in the interim to give us
courage and keep us going. They were like little messages of
encouragement that we were going in the right direction and everything was
happening as it should.
One of the toughest challenges that I hope to get worked out
soon is that we only have 1 vehicle, which I suppose is going to be 3
hours away from me most of the time while he works. My next visual
manifesting job is going to be a second vehicle.
Evidently, I am going to need to take a new panorama photo of the
back yard and redo the journal to reflect all the white we will likely
have by the time the weekend is over. My weather forecast
looks like this:

Lo 37°F |

Hi 52°F |

Lo 42°F |

Hi 45°F |

Lo 35°F |

Hi 38°F |

Lo 26°F |

Hi 33°F |

Lo 24°F |
While that doesn't look particularly intimidating, the
BLIZZARD WARNING they have in effect does!
I'm not afraid of snow any more; it's just a pain in my ass since I
have satellite TV and enjoy occasionally leaving my house.
I like what they say at the end, "Do not travel. If you must, have a
Winter survival kit with you."
Sounds very Donner to me.
The parade was a hit. Photos are here:
It's hard to believe that the Queens started out a year ago with
just me and Marcia:

...and then, of course, everyone was clamoring to be a Queen and so
we picked the very best ones and now there are 7 of us. That's where it's
going to stay. Here we are a year later:

That's right, Santa
Baby, we want it ALL!!

Eric was, again, our
official consort, Lance Romance. Kevin was our driver and security
officer, but I didn't get any good photos of him. He was busy
beating the people back off of us who wanted autographs and such:

Here's half of his head.
We are plotting a Grizzly Flats Talent
Show and we, of course, are going to all sing and dance to "Book of Love."
So yes, life is good, life is blessed
and challenges are just opportunities to grow and shine.
Anything less is just whiney and not
befitting of a Queen.
Be particular,
